Slow Spokes Winter Picnic

  • Sun, January 17, 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • Stoney Creek Metro Park, West Branch West Picnic Area

Leaders: Don and Sue Windhorst 586-978-0184


The picnic will replace the regular Sunday walk this Sunday only.  The meeting place will be West Branch West instead of  our usual walk meeting place of West Branch North.  

Everyone should bring their own food and eating utensils.   Don will bring charcoal for the grill so people can cook hot dogs or whatever if they wish.  There will also be hot chocolate and hot water.

Sue will make a pot of her chili to share.  Please bring your own bowl and utensils if you wish to have some.  

Bring your sleds, toboggans, cross country skis, skates or bikes if the roads are clear. We can also hike.  The park rents skis at the golf course.  We will probably plan on these activities before eating depending on what everyone wants to do.

There is a park entrance fee.

Annual fee is $40.00 seniors $29.00

Dress for the weather!